5 Things To Keep You Busy This Fall

As the weather starts to change and we look for new ways to keep us busy, take a look at a few ways to get out and stay connected to your community.  

Explore the Outdoors

Fall is a great time to connect to nature. The weather is starting to cool and the leaves are turning beautiful vibrant colors. There are many great trails and parks located in our Baltimore community. Take time to go on a short hike or nature walk. Or check out Pearlstone’s newest programs – from wilderness survival classes where you can learn about medicinal plants, indigenous ecology and mentoring techniques to their Farm and Forest School for kids that combines Jewish wisdom with nature. Learn about these programs and more.

Connect to Family and Friends 

No matter near or far, one thing this past year has taught us is that is has never been easier to connect to our loved ones. Take time this fall to reach out to family and friends who you haven’t spoken to in a while. Reconnecting and reminiscing will bring you closer even if you can’t physically celebrate together.  

Looking to make new friends as a family? Check out our CJE connector program – attend playgroup, social gatherings as a family, story time and more! Connect with other families in your neighborhood.


Mentor a kid… feed a family… be a friend to an older adult. Take extra time and commit to a volunteer project. Not only is this a family-friendly activity that everyone can participate in, but it also greatly benefits our community! Check out Jewish Volunteer Connection’s Live with Purpose program – monthly volunteer opportunities you can do at home – or sign-up for Season of Service, beginning in October, where you can volunteer in any number of ways throughout the Baltimore community. For volunteer opportunities and at-home project ideas visit Jewish Volunteer Connection!

Try a New Recipe  

Fall is a perfect time to experiment with new recipes. As we celebrate the High Holidays cooking new recipes are a great way to bond with your family. Find yourself spending more time indoors? Pull out that crockpot or old cookbook, incorporate a seasonal vegetable into your meals and prepare a new recipe to share. Try these festive fall recipes from local community members and the Pearlstone executive chef.

In Need Of A Job Change? – Take Action! 

Find yourself on the hunt for a new career or in need of job leads or advice? Check out the Ignite Center at Jewish Community Services (JCS). Thanks to their connections, they have an extensive job listing that includes remote opportunities throughout the country. Learn what’s out there or connect with a career professional who will help you meet your needs.  

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